Pre-conference event by TUNED 

In advance of the I-HE2024 conference, the TUNED partnership hosts a final event and contest dedicated to the official TUNED MOOC and the serious ARG game. Participants of I-HE2024 are invited to join the event, which will take place at the conference venue.


Date: Wednesday, October 23

Time: 09:30 - 13:00

Location: St. Raphael Resort


TUNED aims at providing an innovative short training course for academic staff in order to foster their teaching skills based on collaborative learning and socially shared regulation theoretical frameworks.


It is a unique opportunity for researchers in education, psychology, computing, and all those who have an interest in the technology-enhanced learning and self-regulated learning fields to meet, share expertise, and learn from their peers about current challenges and advances in the field.


During the event we will present the use of the TUNED MOOC and the serious ARG game. Attendees get the chance to share good practices and involve themselves in a Q&A.


Furthermore, the best OERs (the best lesson design for a virtual classroom using self-regulated theories) will be awarded an economic reward (100€ for each category).


Have a look at the event page for the full programme.


Registration for the event is recommended.



Registration for the Innovating Higher Education conference (I-HE2024) is now open.


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